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Achalasia Cardia Treatment in Hyderabad

Best Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad

If you’re struggling with gastrointestinal diseases, pay a visit to Dr. Dinesh Reddy who is a skilled gastroenterology doctor in Hyderabad. Along with his team of medical specialists, he offers treatments with excellent results to his patients. 

Dr. Dinesh understands the various complications of gastrointestinal diseases and the impact they have on our day-to-day lives. Therefore, he works hard to provide optimal care for his patients with a friendly and compassionate approach. 

Take the first step towards relief and book an appointment with leading gastroenterology specialist in Hyderabad. Experience the best treatment for gastrointestinal diseases with Dr. Dinesh Reddy and his team of specialists.

What is Achalasia Cardia?

Diagram showing Achalasia Cardia

Achalasia Cardia is a rare esophageal motility disorder that affects the smooth muscle function of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is in charge of regulating how much food and liquids travel from the esophagus to the stomach. Achalasia cardia patients experience difficulties swallowing and the sense that food is hanging in their chest because the LES is unable to relax and open correctly.

What are the common symptoms of Achalasia?

How is Achalasia diagnosed?

If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. They will analyze your symptoms and medical history before performing a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. The diagnostic process may include the following:

How can Achalasia be prevented?

Achalasia can be prevented by following these steps:

What are the options for Achalasia Cardia Treatment in Hyderabad?

Are there any surgical options to treat Achalasia?

If non-surgical options don’t work, a professional may suggest you undergo a surgical procedure called Heller Myotomy or Heller procedure. It is a minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery performed under general anesthesia and usually takes 3-4 hours to complete. The usual recovery period after Heller procedure is two to three weeks.

A professional may suggest you undergo an open surgery, however, this only happens in extremely rare and severe cases.

What are the complications of treating Achalasia Cardia?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the questions you might have about Achalasia Cardia

No, achalasia cardia is not a common disease. It is a rare disorder of the esophagus where the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscular ring between the esophagus and the stomach) does not relax properly, leading to difficulty in swallowing food and liquids. This condition affects a small number of people compared to other more common esophageal disorders. Though rare, achalasia can cause significant discomfort and difficulties with eating, and it requires proper diagnosis and management by healthcare professionals. If someone experiences persistent swallowing problems, it’s essential to seek medical attention for proper evaluation and potential treatment.

Achalasia cardia cannot be completely cured, but it can be effectively managed. Treatment options aim to improve symptoms and help patients swallow more easily. The main treatments include medications, balloon dilation (stretching the esophagus), and surgical procedures. These interventions can provide significant relief and improve the quality of life for individuals with achalasia. However, it’s important to note that achalasia is a chronic condition, and periodic follow-ups with healthcare providers may be necessary to monitor and adjust the treatment as needed. Early diagnosis and appropriate management can help control symptoms and prevent complications associated with achalasia cardia.

Achalasia cardia can lead to several complications. The primary complication is difficulty swallowing food and liquids, which can cause weight loss and malnutrition. Additionally, retained food in the esophagus can lead to the development of lung infections, such as pneumonia. Over time, the esophagus may dilate, leading to a condition called megaesophagus, which can further worsen swallowing problems. In rare cases, esophageal cancer may develop in individuals with long-standing achalasia. Prompt diagnosis and proper management are crucial to prevent these complications and improve the overall quality of life for individuals affected by achalasia cardia. Regular follow-up care with healthcare providers is essential to monitor the condition and prevent potential complications.

Yes, Achalasia cardia can raise the chances of getting esophageal cancer. People with long-term achalasia have a higher risk of developing this type of cancer compared to the general population. Achalasia causes ongoing irritation and swallowing difficulties, which can change the esophagus lining, making it more vulnerable to cancer. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers are crucial for those with achalasia to keep track of their condition and have appropriate tests for esophageal cancer. Finding it early and getting timely treatment can lead to better results and lower the risk of complications, including esophageal cancer.

Yes, achalasia cardia can cause chest pain. People with achalasia may experience chest discomfort or pain, particularly after eating. The difficulty in swallowing and the abnormal functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscular ring between the esophagus and stomach) can lead to food and liquids getting stuck in the esophagus, causing pressure and pain in the chest area. This chest pain is often described as a feeling of pressure or tightness.

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Achalasia Cardia Treatment in Hyderabad

Dr. K V Dinesh Reddy

MBBS; MS (Gen.Surg); DNB (Surg.Gastro)

Dr. K V Dinesh offers the best Achalasia Cardia treatment in Hyderabad with over 10 years of expertise in the field of gastroenterology.

He has treated hundreds of patients with gastrointestinal disorders and has built a positive relationship with them. Dr. Dinesh and his team of gastroenterology specialists strive to provide quality treatments to those in need. 

He strongly believes that surgery should only be considered as a last resort and prefers a holistic approach to treatment. He never recommends surgery if a disease can be treated entirely through the use of medications. 
